Laura Dalrymple
Creative Direction and Design – Brand, Campaign, CPG and more
The person behind the work samples.
A selection of work samples from some favorite projects.
Design Direction to Production... and everything in between
Six years and thousands of SKUs. My primary role at Staples was leading packaging creative across several product categories.
Staples: Photography
Creative direction, occasional product stylist, retouching... a little of everything
In another life I must've been a commercial photographer. Or a photo stylist. In any case, I'm way to comfortable on set. Here's some examples from shoots I was probably way too hands-on.
Digital and
Direct Mail
Traditional and digital campaigns
Whether pencil-sketch concepting for product shots, full layout and mechanical development, creative direction of campaigns, and even photo stylist duties...I've worn all the hats (and visors and balaclavas).
Harvard Bioscience
Rebrand, creative direction
and execution
A Boston-area life sciences company, Harvard Bioscience provides specialized products for research scientists studying everything from diabetes to Alzheimers.
Music Industry
Rebrands through CPG and environmental design
Packaging, rebranding and tradeshow experiences for some of the loudest brands out there. What?! I can't hear you!
Pet Industry
A CPG-centered rebrand
Some of the best clients are those that are happy just with a good pat, treats and second dinner.
Other Work
Some selections from 20 years
of design and creative direction
A lot of projects have come across my desk in the last 7,300 days (20 years). Too many to count and some I can't remember too well.
The ones I can remember, are here,
in no particular order.
Personal Work
Take a hike, take a pic.
Photos from the wilderness.